
The Art of Retaining an Audience

It’s All About Customer Experience
Are you so intently focused on lead generation and customer acquisition that you are ignoring your most important customers…the ones they already have? Marketing campaigns attract new customers, but boring customer communications soon work to erode the customer experience and threaten brand loyalty over time. Companies spend millions of dollars and thousands of hours to acquire new customers only to do very little to manage and enhance their ongoing experience once they are on board.
Customer Experience, not Acquisition
366 Degrees The Art of Retaining an Audience
Organizations today are coming to realize that sustaining a successful enterprise requires more than new customers, it requires loyal ones as well. Until recently, organizations focused the bulk of their attention on finding, attracting and onboarding new customers. The key to success was believed to be found in primarily in new products, market growth and new revenue. But now those factors have reversed with more and more companies concentrating their efforts on customer experience, not acquisition.
Experience Drives Brand Reputation
With the advent of social media and real-time interactive feedback via the Internet every customer has the potential to be your best customer…one that actively builds your brand reputation and promotes your products and services to family, friends and followers. These “brand ambassadors” are worth their weight in marketing dollars when it comes to attracting new business. The benefit is two- fold: retain existing customer loyalty and increase referrals for new customers.
Improving Customer Experience
What exactly is “customer experience” and how do you improve it? The Harvard Business Review defines customer experience your customer’s end-to-end journey with you — the cumulative impact of multiple touch points over time, which result in a real relationship feeling, or lack of it. How can you improve this customer experience? Contact us to learn more today.

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