
Why Your Business Needs CRM & Marketing Automation!


The lead generation and sales funnel process of today is constantly changing. In order to capture every lead available while guiding customers through the sales funnel, it may seem like you need a highly-skilled sales team and marketing department to get the job done. Unfortunately, most SMBs don’t have the budget for a full-time social media guru, copywriter, and a team of 8-10 sales people. When you can’t afford to employ small army, you need to be as efficient as possible in order to increase sales and boost business.

Many SMBs resort to handing off marketing duties, social selling, and lead generation to inexperienced staff members, or avoiding the process entirely. However, there’s a much simpler and effective answer to enhancing the sales and marketing process—and that’s by incorporating a CRM program for marketing automation, social selling, and more.

Why CRM & Marketing Automation for Business?

Using CRM and marketing automation is one of the best ways to streamline the sales, marketing, and lead nurturing aspect of your business. In fact, CRM and marketing automation software can actually enhance communication between departments in your business, regardless of how small they are. One of the keys to successful selling and boosting profit is communication; and if your sales team and marketing team isn’t on the same page, it can be tough to track and nurture leads.

What are the Benefits of CRM + Marketing Automation?

There are numerous benefits of CRM, whether you’re running a small or medium-sized business. However, not every marketing automation platform lives up to its potential—but when you choose 366 Degrees, you’ll be able to truly capitalize on the potential of CRM

The benefits include:

-Attracting and nurturing new leads to help grow your business

-Keeping your sales team and marketing team on the page every day

-Streamlined communication between departments

-Taking the guesswork out of marketing and selling to new customers

-Recognizing behavioral signs of customers who are interested in your business

-Creating campaigns that can be expressed across multiple channels

-Measuring your content and campaign effectiveness

-Integrating Salesforce and Nimble

It’s no secret that one of the top three challenges of businesses is the need for more leads, better quality leads, and a lack of budget. When SMBs don’t have the funds to hire an entire sales and marketing team, CRM and marketing automation becomes a no-brainer.

Should I use CRM + Marketing Automation?

Keep in mind that there is real data behind the reasons why SMBs should use CRM and marketing automation. According to the “Marketing Automation Trends for success” survey, 94 percent of marketers believe that CRM is a vital component to the success of increasing sales and nurturing leads. Furthermore, 60 percent of organizations that use marketing automation platforms along with CRM and service level agreements report enhanced communications between sales and marketing departments.

Need Guidance Choosing the Right CRM or Integrating Marketing Automation?

OMI’s CRM Practice Group offers top-notch guidance on CRM services such as Salesforce and others.  We have also built our own Marketing Automation Service called 366 Degrees designed specifically for the Small + Midsize Business. OMI can take your business to a new level by helping SMBs learn how to use and harness the power of CRM & Marketing Automation Services. If you’re looking to supercharge your marketing and sales execution, get in touch with us today by calling 877-377-7274.

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