
Try these techniques for customer engagement effectiveness

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Three Techniques for Truly Effective Customer Engagement

2015 will be the year that “customer engagement” takes center stage in the theater of c-level business strategy. Whereas in recent years much of the focus was on customer acquisition, C-Suite executives these days are aiming their attention on ways to extend existing customer lifetime value.

This is not a startling prediction. Customer engagement has been a hot topic; hundreds of pages have been written, published and debated online, and numerous high-profile conferences address the topic. But the question is: How can companies can gain advantage by shifting attention to customer engagement? Here are three techniques to get it done.

# 1 – Customer Communications Management

Customer Communications are no longer a back office problem, they are critical front-and-center business imperative. But brand managers and corporate marketing executives often struggle to provide a consistent brand experience across all their communications. Customer Communications Management is an approach and technology that work to unite outbound and inbound communications, making the job of improving customer engagement across channels much easier.

# 2 – Integrated Campaigns

Print, text, online, social – they all matter, and marketing ROI is increased when organizations integrate marketing campaigns across multiple channels and understand their impact on one another. These days, a typical consumer will use up to five different channels to discover and evaluate a new product or service. OMNI channel marketing can improve campaign results in the neighborhood of 300% to 650% over traditional campaigns.

# 3 – Feedback Management

If you want to improve customer engagement, it simply makes sense to listen to the voice of your customers. But notions like “satisfaction” and “experience” are subjective and not easily codified. The key is to thoughtfully monitor and measure your customers’ perceptions of their interactions with a firm. Advanced tools makes it easy to reach across communication channels in social media, mobile and online formats and then quickly analyze the effectiveness of those social connections. Apply things like message personalization and target segmentation and perform in-depth campaign analytics to understand customer feedback and continually adjust your campaign strategies.

Want to find out how? Contact us today to learn more or call 877-377-7274 for a free consultation.

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