
How to Increase Salesforce ROI: Key Strategies and the Role of Salesforce Consultant

How to Increase Salesforce ROI Key Strategies and the Role of Salesforce Consultantby OMI

Salesforce, as powerful as it is, very often requires considerable investment – and it’s not always obvious whether the investment is going to pay off. Hence, the question: how do you ensure that this investment yields optimal returns?

In this article, we’ll delve into the notion of Salesforce ROI: from understanding the fundamental metrics that define it, to exploring key strategies for its enhancement. We’ll also talk about the pivotal role of a Salesforce consultant and look at examining how their expertise can greatly increase Salesforce ROI.

What Is Salesforce ROI

Salesforce ROI (Return on Investment) measures the financial benefits your business gains from its investment in Salesforce. It’s a way to quantify the impact of Salesforce on your bottom line, comparing the gains derived from using Salesforce against the costs incurred to implement and maintain it.

If we go deeper than pure numbers associated with revenue (like a Salesforce ROI calculator), here are some of the most important factors that affect it:


  • Cost: Salesforce can reduce manual work, leading to lower operational costs. This includes savings from reduced IT expenses, less reliance on manual processes, and more efficient resource allocation.
  • Productivity Level: As a logical follow-up to the previous point, Salesforce helps employees focus on higher-value activities. Metrics to consider here include time saved, increase in the number of tasks completed, and improvement in workflow efficiency.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Salesforce provides tools for better customer relationship management, resulting in faster response times, more personalized service, and improved customer retention rates. Customer satisfaction scores and retention rates are some other useful metrics for this component.
  • Scalability: Flexibility in scale allows you to add new features and users as needed without significant additional costs – this ability also contributes to long-term ROI Salesforce.
  • Data Quality: Additionally, better insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and market trends can lead to more informed strategies and increased profitability.

Key Strategies to Maximize Salesforce ROI

Comprehensive Needs Analysis

First, dive deep with a comprehensive needs analysis – start by clearly defining what you want to achieve with Salesforce. Are you aiming to boost sales or focus more on enhancing customer service? 

Then map out your existing workflows and identify pain points and inefficiencies. This isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about understanding what your business needs to thrive. Look into the future too – think about how your business will grow and what you’ll need from Salesforce down the line. This forward-thinking approach ensures you’re building a system that won’t just meet today’s needs but will also scale with you.

Customized Implementation

Tailor Salesforce to fit your specific processes – customize objects, fields, and workflows so that the system feels like a natural extension of your business. If needed, integrate Salesforce with your other systems – this reduces data silos and improves the accuracy and availability of information across your organization.

Automate repetitive tasks to save time and reduce the risk of human error. And don’t overlook the user interface—design dashboards and reports that are intuitive and relevant to different roles within your organization. This helps drive adoption and ensures that your team is using Salesforce to its full potential.

Effective Training and Support

Even the most sophisticated system is useless if your team doesn’t know how to use it. That’s why you should develop extensive training programs that are specific to different user roles – hands-on, practical training will make a big difference. 

Continuous support is equally important; set up a help desk, create user manuals, and hold regular Q&A sessions. Identify super users within each department who can provide peer-to-peer support and act as internal champions. And make sure to establish feedback loops so that users can share their experiences and suggestions, which can help you make ongoing improvements.

Leveraging Advanced Features

Use Salesforce Einstein for AI-driven insights, like predictive analytics and lead scoring, to uncover trends and opportunities that you might otherwise miss. Tailored reports can also provide actionable intelligence for strategic decisions.

Implement Salesforce Marketing Cloud to automate and optimize your marketing efforts, leading to higher conversion rates and better customer engagement. And don’t forget about AppExchange, where you can find third-party apps that add specialized capabilities suited to your specific industry or business needs.

Continuous Optimization and Upgrades

Salesforce is constantly evolving, and so should your use of it – conduct regular audits of your Salesforce environment to identify areas for improvement, whether it’s data quality, system performance, or user adoption. Also regularly gather user feedback to understand their needs and challenges, as this can guide future enhancements and training efforts. 

On top of that, implement new features that are relevant to your business to keep your system current and effective. 

How to Measure Salesforce Campaign ROI

Salesforce campaign ROI is a metric that helps you determine the financial return on your marketing campaigns in particular. To measure it effectively, you need to use the right tools and methods, such as:


  • Salesforce Campaigns Object: The Campaigns object in Salesforce allows you to track all aspects of your marketing campaigns, from planning and execution to performance analysis. 
  • Campaign Hierarchies: Organize related campaigns into hierarchies to get a consolidated view of your marketing efforts. This helps in tracking the performance of parent and child campaigns, providing insights into the overall effectiveness of your marketing strategy.
  • Campaign Influence: Use the Campaign Influence feature to attribute revenue to campaigns. This feature allows you to see which campaigns influenced your opportunities and deals, giving you a clearer picture of their impact.
  • Salesforce Reports and Dashboards: Create custom reports and dashboards to monitor campaign performance – track key metrics such as leads generated, conversion rates, and revenue attributed to campaigns.
  • Google Analytics Integration: Integrate Salesforce with Google Analytics to track website traffic and conversions driven by your campaigns. This integration helps you understand the full customer journey, from initial engagement to final purchase.
  • Marketing Automation Tools: Tools like Pardot or Marketing Cloud can also provide advanced tracking and analytics capabilities.- use them to automate campaign tracking, measure engagement, and analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns in real time.

Essential Salesforce Campaign ROI Metrics

To accurately measure the ROI of your Salesforce campaigns, focus on the following metrics:


  • Cost Per Lead (CPL): Divide the total campaign cost by the number of leads generated to get the cost of acquiring each lead. 
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of leads that convert into opportunities or customers.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Cost of each new customer – you can get it by dividing the total campaign cost by the number of new customers acquired. 
  • Average Deal Size: Average revenue generated per deal influenced by the campaign. 
  • Revenue Attribution: You can use the Campaign Influence feature to attribute revenue to specific campaigns. 
  • Lead Velocity Rate (LVR): Growth rate of qualified leads over time. 
  • Miscellaneous Engagement Metrics: Track metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, and social media engagement to gauge the level of interest and interaction with your campaign content.

Role of a Salesforce Business Consultant in Increasing Salesforce ROI

Their expertise and hands-on involvement of a good Salesforce business consultant can significantly impact your Salesforce ROI. How? Let’s break it down:

What a Salesforce Business Consultant Does

Some of their core responsibilities include, but are not limited to:


  • Business Process Analysis: A Salesforce business consultant meticulously examines your existing business processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. They map out current workflows and propose better processes that are in line with the industry’s best practices.
  • Solution Design: Based on their analysis, consultants design custom Salesforce solutions – they typically focus on building scalable solutions that can grow with your business, avoiding the pitfalls of overly complex or rigid designs.
  • Change Management: Consultants develop and execute change management strategies to ensure smooth transitions. This includes preparing stakeholders for the new system, developing communication plans to address concerns, and fostering a positive attitude towards the changes. 
  • User Adoption: Consultants create engaging, hands-on training sessions that help users understand and fully utilize Salesforce’s features. By doing so, they ensure your team can use Salesforce more effectively, leading to higher productivity and better data quality.
  • Continuous Support: After implementation, a consultant’s role doesn’t end. They provide ongoing support and conduct regular reviews to identify new opportunities for improvement. 

How a Consultant Can Help in Maximizing Salesforce ROI

A good Salesforce consultant brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that can directly contribute to your Salesforce ROI, namely:


  • Strategic Assistance: A Salesforce consultant tries to understand your long-term goals and adapt Salesforce to best support these goals whether it’s enhancing customer service or improving sales efficiency. 
  • Data Utilization: Consultants help you leverage Salesforce’s powerful analytics tools to gain deeper insights into your business. They set up advanced reporting and dashboards that provide real-time visibility into key metrics and trends. 
  • Process Automation: They identify and implement automation opportunities within Salesforce, such as automated lead assignment, follow-up reminders, and approval processes.
  • Improved Customer Experience: A consultant helps you use Salesforce to enhance your customer interactions as well. They design solutions that provide a 360-degree view of your customers, enabling personalized and timely engagement. 
  • Cost Optimization: Consultants identify cost-saving opportunities by optimizing your Salesforce licenses, reducing unnecessary customizations, and streamlining integrations. They ensure you are utilizing Salesforce features effectively and not overspending on third-party tools or add-ons. 

How to Choose the Right Salesforce Business Consultant

One of the most reliable methods of finding a good Salesforce consulting company is to ask your partners or contacts from your network if they could recommend their services (if they have one). 

If you don’t have this opportunity, then feel free to use Google to search through a couple of dozen websites of Salesforce consultants and narrow it down to about 5-10 candidates. Your initial choices will depend on the availability of case studies describing challenges similar to yours and belonging to your business niche, as well as testimonials from other companies. 

Another important thing to look for is content in the form of blog articles, guides, whitepapers, and ebooks – this is usually where companies let their expertise, providing you with an extra opportunity to get a perspective on whether this candidate is right for you. 

Alternatively, you may use a review aggregator like Clutch in a similar way – browse and select several companies that appeal to you from the standpoint of the pricing range, client ratings, and general company info. 


Salesforce ROI can likely be improved through various customizations, user training, and advanced features, among other things. 

Naturally, the role of a Salesforce consultant is also pivotal in this process. Consultants bring expertise in business process analysis, solution design, change management, user adoption, and ongoing support, which is bound to enhance your ROI even more. 

And if you feel that your team may benefit from collaborating with such a consultant, don’t hesitate to reach out to OMI – we will make your Salesforce work better than ever.


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